The Psychology Of Everyday Things

The Psychology Of Everyday Things Donald A. Norman
掲載ページ - p.145:
"THE TYPEWRITER: A CASE HISTORY IN THE EVOLUTION OF DESIGN "Among all the mechanical inventions for which the age is noted, none, perhaps, has more rapidly come into general use than the typewriter

The time is coming when it will almost, or quite as much, supersede the steel pen as that has the good, gray goose quill. "3

The history of the typewriter is the story of dedicated inventors in many countries, each striving to develop a machine for rapid writing

They tried many versions in their struggle to get the one that fit all the constraints-that worked, could be manufactured at reasonable cost, and could be used

ちゃんと動いて 『誰のためのデザイン』日本語訳ページ


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最終更新:2009年10月02日 21:07


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