CoH WorldBuilder Guide Japan

Object Placement Parameters



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Object Placement Parameters オブジェクト配置パラメータ

The Basics 基本

The Object Placement rollup is divided into two sections: Default and Current. Parameters set in the Default section apply to newly placed objects. The parameters in the Current section apply to objects that are currently selected. If there is no current selection, this section is grayed-out.
Object Placementロールアップは、2つのセクションに分けられます:デフォルトと流れ。Default部でセットされるパラメータは、新しく置かれた物に申し込みます。Current部のパラメータは、現在選ばれる物に申し込みます。現在の選択がないならば、このセクションはgrayed-outです。

Adjustable Vs. Relative to Terrain 調節可能 vs 地形と相対

These two radio buttons set whether or not the height of the object above the terrain is absolute or relative to the terrain underneath it.

Adjustable –  調節可能

Sets object to a set height and is not affected by adjustments in the terrain. You have to be careful with this function, so that objects are not floating nor buried in the terrain.

Relative to Terrain –  地形と相対

Sets objects in relation to the terrain underneath them. For example if an object is set to "Relative to Terrain" and the terrain is edited underneath it, the object will shift to the same relative height above the terrain, as it was before the edit.
彼らの下に地形に関して物をセットします。たとえば、オブジェクトが「Relative to Terrain」に設定される、そして、地形がそれの下に編集されるならば、それが編集の前にあったので、物は地形より上に同じ相対的な高さに変わります。

Relative to terrain snaps objects to the terrain at their default height. The default height of an object is the optimal height for objects to respond correctly when interacted with. This is important to keep in mind when objects are adjusted manually.

  • If an object is set too low in the ground, the ground might hide its debris, when it is damaged.
  • If an object is under the ground its debris might seem to appear out of nowhere.
  • If an object is too high it might seem to be floating and you could possibly see under and inside the objects mesh.
  • オブジェクトが地面であまりに低く設定されるならば、地面はその破片を隠すかもしれません。そのとき、それは損害を受けます。
  • オブジェクトが地面の下にあるならば、その破片はどこからともなく現れるようかもしれません。
  • オブジェクトがあまりに高いならば、それは浮いているようかもしれません、そして、あなたはおそらくオブジェクトメッシュの下で、そして、の中にわかることができました。

Player Assignment プレイヤー割当て

This Combo Box sets which player the object belongs to. If set to "World" no one owns it. This is used primarily for setting ownership for base objects.
Note: Visual only objects can never belong to a player.
このCombo Boxはセットします。そして、オブジェクトは誰かのプレーヤーが所有します。「World」にセットされるならば、誰もそれを所有しません。これが、主にベースオブジェクトに所有を設定するために使われます。

Use Random Rotation ランダムな回転を使って

If this is checked, newly placed objects will be given a random rotation, subject to any rotation clamping set in the sim attributes.

Snap to Grid 格子へのスナップ

If this is checked, newly placed objects will be snapped to a grid whose size is determined by the slider (Measured in meters)

Snap Button バネ式のボタン

The snap button snaps an object to the surface underneath it. This is used in current selection mode. Check the relative to terrain button and then click the snap button. Doing this will convert an adjustable object to a relative to terrain object.

Autoalign Button 自動合わせボタン

Pressing this button will cause selected objects' up direction to match the normal of the terrain underneath it. This is also useful for tilting objects’ up direction so that it does not match the normals underneath it. Move an object over to a hill and click autoalign and then move it back to its original position. Some care should be taken not to tilt an object too much, as this can cause the objects physics to respond strangely.

Edit State Button 状態編集ボタン

Pressing this button will bring up a modeless dialog box that allows the user to edit simulation and/or visual properties for the currently selected object. The Object Edit States page has more details.
このボタンを押すことは、ユーザーが現在選ばれた物のためにシミュレーションや視覚の特性を編集することができるモードレスダイアログボックスをあげます。Object Edit Statesページには、より多くの詳細があります。

Refresh Spawned Splats/Decals リフレッシュは、縦長の平板/移し絵を生みました

This is used to refresh splats that are associated with an object. Some objects have splats associated with them (i.e. wrecked tanks have burn marks.) When the object moves the splats do not refresh automatically. Selecting the object and pressing the refresh button, will re-spawn the splats to the objects new location.

Assign Button ボタン割当

This button allows the user to change selected objects to another type. This only works for ebps object within the playable area. Select an object in the main window. Then, select another object from the object tree view. Click the Assign button and the object in the tree view will replace the object in the main window.

From Relic Community Wiki


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