CoH WorldBuilder Guide Japan

General Tips:



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General Tip #1 - Blind Spots (9-5-2006)
General Tip #2 - Idle Units (9-10-2006)
General Tip #3 - Garrisoned Units (9-15-2006)
General Tip #4 - Retreating (9-20-2006)
General Tip #5 - Enemy Footsteps (9-26-2006)
General Tip #6 - Dropped Weapons (10-1-2006)
General Tip #7 - Artillery (10-2-2006)
General Tip #8 - Sniper Spotters(10-3-2006)
General Tip #9 - Panzershrenks/Bazookas (10-7-2006)?
General Tip #10 - Avoiding Grenades (10-8-2006)
General Tip #11 - Mortar Accuracy and Damage (10-10-2006)
General Tip #12 - Mine/Barb Wire Combo (10-11-2006)?
General Tip #13 - The Tactical Map (10-12-2006)
General Tip #14 - Unmanned AT Guns (10-13-2006)
General Tip #15 - Tracking Enemy Snipers (10-16-2006)
General Tip #16 - Turning the Tide (10-17-2006)
General Tip #17 - Upgraded Infantry (10-19-2006)
General Tip #18 - Micro & Macro (10-20-2006)
General Tip #19 - Mine Triggering (10-21-2006)
General Tip #20 - Anti-Tank Guns (10-24-2006)
General Tip #21 - Reload Times (10-24-2006)
General Tip #22 - Garrisoned Bunkers/MG Nests (10-27-2006)?

総合Tips #1 死角


総合Tips #2 待機中の部隊




総合Tips #3 駐屯している部隊(建物内の部隊)


基本Tips #4:Retreating(退却)




基本Tips #5:Enemy Footsteps(敵の足音)



基本Tips #6:Dropped Weapon(落ちている武器)




AT砲のクルーを倒した後、残されたAT砲に戦車で「Ground Attack」を仕掛ける事で、残されたAT砲を破壊する事が可能です。


基本Tips #7:Artillery(砲撃要請)



基本Tips #8:Sniperでの監視



またマップ外からの砲撃支援や105mm howitzers、NebelwerferやWalking Stuka等でも、この戦術によって相手の予想しない打撃を与える事が出来ます。
(※注 敵はこちらの視界を考慮して戦っている為、こちらの視界外と思い込んでいる場所への砲撃は不意打ちになり得ます。)

基本Tips #9:Panzershrenks/Bazookas (バズーカ/パンツァーシュレック)



2.Riflemanでsticky bombを使う時のように、出来る限り接近する事
  • Panzershrenkは8yd以内で100%、17yd以内で60%の命中率。
  • Bazookaは8yd以内で100%、17yd以内で40%の命中率。
  • ちなみにsticky bombの投擲可能距離が17yd。

  • 石壁であったり、戦車主砲が貫通しない残骸等。

  • 撃った後3秒間はその場から離れ、次の3秒で目標に再接近する。
  • (遮蔽物に身を隠す事を忘れずに)

  • 1人だけの部隊でもPanzershrenk/Bazookaを2本回収する事が可能で、その部隊の人員補充をする事により、別の一人が自動的にPanzershrenk/Bazookaを装備します。


基本Tips #10:Avoiding Grenades(手榴弾を避ける)



基本Tips #11:Mortar Accuracy and Damage(Mortar部隊の命中精度とダメージ)


(※注 レートが何を意味するのかが不明瞭ですが、レート1=100%という事でしょう。多分.sga等の設定数値だと思います。)

基本Tips #12:Mine/Barbwire Combo(地雷と鉄条網の連携)



基本Tips #13:The Tactical Map(戦略マップ)






基本Tips #14:Unmanned AT Guns(クルーが居ないAT Gun)



戦車を無人のATGunの傍まで移動させ、ground attackで破壊する事です。
ground attackの際には、かなり傍まで寄らないとなかなか命中しない場合があります。


基本Tips #15:tracking Enemy Snipers(敵Sniperの追跡)

"Unit Sniped"という表示の脇の赤いアイコンをクリックすると、画面が敵Sniperの場所に飛びます。



基本Tips #16:Turning the Tide(ゲームの流れを変える)


ゲーム中に1on1の状況になった場合(Pioneer vs EngineerやRifleman vs Volks等)、その場所へもう1部隊向かわせて数的優位を作り出す事を常に心がけて下さい。
こうする事で2 engineer vs 1 Volksや2 pioneer vs 1 Riflemanでも勝機を見出す事が出来るでしょう。(多少運次第な部分はありますが)


基本Tips #17:Upgraded Infantry(アップグレードした歩兵)



基本Tips #18:Micro and Macro(細かい操作と広い視野)




基本Tips #19:Mine-triggering(地雷の起爆)



基本Tips #20:Anti-Tank Guns(対戦車砲)








基本Tips #21:Reload Times(リロード時間)


基本Tips #22:バンカーの守備

Heavy Machine Gun Teamを駐留させれば、装甲部隊やMortarによる攻撃を除く、ほぼ全ての攻撃から安全だと保障されます。

しかも、Heavy Machine Gun Teamのコストのみで済むので、これは大変安価な作戦です。

General Tip #23 - Dancing [10/29/2006]

Oftentimes an MG squad will just barely beat your Riflemen/Volks into a building, soon to unleash hell on your troops. There is a counter, however, that enables your infantry to deal with the garrisoned MG.

Simply dance or strafe the building from one side to the other, back and forth, continuously and never standing still. The main MG dude will constanly change windows to fire at your squad but, due to the deploy and redeploy times, actually never get a shot off. This way, your infantry squad will wear the MG squad down and kill it, or force it to ungarrison and retreat.

With a little practice, you can thus reverse the entire situation of the classic Garrisoned MG ™.

By: Gnug315

General Tip #24 - Grenades vs Garrisoned Troops [10/30/2006]

When using a grenade on a garrisoned mg42, try to get the mg42 firing out of one of the shorter sides of the house. This will cause the mg42 team inside to get closer together, and in most cases allow your grenade to kill the entire team.

By: Bentguru

General Tip #25 - Backing Up [10/31/2006]

A completely crucial part of tank warfare is backing up and away from danger while keeping your protective front armor, as well as your turret, facing your enemy. Tanks are quite maneuverable this way too, being able to make just as sharp turns backing up as when going forward.

Do this by clicking a short length behind your tank, and if needed, shift-queue and entire escape route away from the battle, dodging obstacles et al and providing the speediest, safest retreat possible.

The only vehicle that can't do this, in fact, is the Axis Motorcycle.

By: Gnug315

General Tip #26 - Know Your Enemy! [11/1/2006]

Ever wish you could figure out who you are going up against when the match starts? Well, now you can! When you have a few seconds of free time in the beginning of a match, hit ctrl + shift + ~ on your keyboard and it will bring up the console. Search a bit and you will find your opponents name. At first it may be hard to spot amongst all the other words, but if he lags it will say it 4-5 times between some [ ]. Usually you can find it about halfway down the console page. Now you can know who you're fighting without waiting to see one of his units!

By: Lewclan

General Tip #27 - Kiting [11/2/2006]

Kiting is a term used when a vehicle seemingly attaches itself to an enemy squad by an invisible thread, usuing it's superior range to deal out damage whilst staying outside sticky-bomb or bazooka range. It requires studious micro, but can effectively completely counter any number of enemy squads.

Simply keep your vehicle at the correct length, advancing and backing up as needed while unleashing a constant stream of salvos at your target. Your enemy will be forced to deal with your unit with other means.

It is most commonly seen with Jeeps vs Pioneers, Pumas vs Riflemen w/ stickies, and Ostwinds vs Rangers, but also goes for the slower, more lumbersome tanks.

By: Gnug315

General Tip #28 - Killing Snipers [11/4/2006]

If you spot a sniper, and don't have a jeep/bike then don't be afraid of charging it with e.g. riflemen. All units are able to detect the sniper, if you are close enough. Even a squad of pioneers are able to take out a sniper if you are lucky enough.

So if you see a unsupported sniper starts shooting at your riflemen, press space (go to last event), trace the "smoke tail" and move your riflemen towards the direction of the "smoke tail". Then either use a Jeep/Motorcycle to detect the Sniper or charge it with your infantry. Goodbye, Sniper.

By: decon

General Tip #29 - Hiding [11/6/2006]

Hiding is an important part of warfare. As Sun Tzu states, when badly outnumbered, avoid the enemy entirely. In CoH, hiding can be used effectively against your enemy for example when you have decapped an opponent's point, but know he has dispatched troops to deal with you. Instead of trying to cap the point too, in the middle of enemy territory, run off with your units and hide in the corner. You will see that your enemy has defended the point when it starts blinking again as he captures it. Then, when he has done so, and most likely moved on, return your sneaky little squad to the point and decap it once again.

Prime examples would include the two corner medium munition points on Semois, but almost all can be used like this in some way or the other.

By: Gnug315

General Tip #30 - One Way Door [11/7/2006]

Barbed wire plays a crucial role in CoH, used to prevent enemy access to critical areas or thru chokepoints. There's a little detail you might not be aware of, tho: because you can delete your own barbed wire at any time (simply select it and hit the delete key), it really acts as a one-way door.

This is why you'll occasionally see good players wire off the same chokepoint; if the passage is already blocked to the second player, he might as well deny the first one this luxury.

By: Gnug315

General Tip #31 - Control Groups [11/9/2006]

If you have decent amount of soldiers, group them together by select the units you want, then press "Ctrl" + a number.
ex. Ctrl + 1 for Riflemen
Ctrl + 2 for HMGs
Ctrl + 3 for supportive infantry etc.

This will prevent you from getting panic when your enemy surprise attack you, you can fight back instantly by these short cut numbers.

Also, although this feature is comfy, don just select them and fight because they tend to stick together(BIG target for rockets/bombs), u have to micro them to take hard cover as many as possible.

By: total90

General Tip #32 - Garrisoned Snipers [11/10/2006]

Garrisoned Snipers have a number of advantages over ungarrisoned Snipers. They fire more quickly, inflicting the same amount of damage, and are basically immune to infantry charges. However, a lone Sniper in a building is a sitting duck for an enemy Sniper -- they can be killed in one hit. Use this to your advantage if you see a Garrisoned enemy Sniper as well. It is bets to Garrison a Sniper with another unit, be it an Engineer squad or a Heavy Machine Gun team. The enemy Sniper trying to get yours will hit the other unit in the building and yours will be free to snipe his in one shot.

By: Moony

General Tip #33 - Riflemen vs Garrisoned MG's [11/13/2006]

2 Riflemen Sqd > 1 Garrisoned HMG (No Grenades)

Try this on semois. If the axis player garrisons a HMG in a building, take one rifleman squad and place it in a nearby building to take their fire. Once he's shooting at the first squad, move the 2nd squad in. Unless you approach from the same vector as the 1st squad (please don't, that's just silly) they won't get suppressed. This 2nd squad can walk right up to the garrisoned building and just shoot the crap outta the MG squad. The MG squad cannot change targets, they will keep on shooting at the rifler squad in the building.

It's rather silly, but I've had it done to me and I've done it to others.

By: th15

General Tip #34 - Destroying Hedgerows [11/14/2006]

Mid-game and with no unit to push through hedgerows, break out the mines. Place a mine or two (usually needs two) real close to or even under a piece of heavy hedgerow, step back and lob a grenade or have a stug shot at the mines. A new front has just been opened for attack for your armor and infantry. For less than 100 munitions it's possible to bypass nasty chokepoints, flank them, and catch them with their pants down.

By: tnx3

General Tip #35 - Tactical Map [11/27/2006]

Using tactical map to track enemy movement, when you bring up the tactical map, you see all the points thats not in LOS in gray, when you select a unit. and hover your mouse over the points, you will see 1 of 2 things
1. the pointer will change to the capping icon, the white circle with a tail like thing
2. no change

1. the point if not being capped
2. enemy is capping that point

Scan the map early on will let you get a grip where your enemy is heading to and how many units he might have

The tactical map also tell you which points are OPed without having to scout it out. if you see a high fuel point giving +26, you know its OPed and its best to bring a flamer if you wish to destory it

Normal - OPed
High 16 - 26
Med 10 - 18
Low 5 - 8

By Sturmtruppen

General Tip #36 - Attack Ground [01/01/2007]

Why is there an attack ground option? Well there are many uses, to destroy unmanned AT guns to gain experience and deny the enemy a free AT gun. Do destroy any hidden units or mines that you think might be somewhere but just can't see it. Another good use is to use it to purposely miss when the Allies have War Machine on. That way if you can soak up some damage you can just shoot the ground until the power is over. Also if you see a Tiger/Tiger Ace that has no guns and damaged engine just ignore it. Remember they can only get 1 Tiger Ace and 2 Tigers. If you leave it alone that will buy you time before he destory/repair that on and get another Tiger.

By: Neubine

General Tip #37 - Pioneers vs Engineers [01/15/2007]

  • HP: 140
  • Build Time: 14
  • Build Manpower: 120

  • HP: 165
  • Build Time: 21
  • Build Manpower: 140

Now, I’m an axis player and I hear many complaints from other Axis players about the inability of Pioneers to compete in a fight with Engineers, but the HP difference is only 25, so if at all possible put your Pioneers in cover (even light) and they will stand a good chance of coming out victorious. Another bonus of Pioneers is that they build so quickly you are able to have more out quicker, early game, compared to engineers, giving you a short (but sometimes) helpful advantage rushing to a certain strategic point, or barb wiring off an area, while your first Pioneer builds you base. (Or vice versa, take your starting Pioneer and rush and your built one will begin constructing your Wehrmacht Quarters before the allies built Engineer would start building a barracks) One last bonus of Pioneers is the free wire cutters at tier 2, which you can have within the first 5 min of a game while allied engineers seem to never take time to upgrade wire cutters for 50 munitions.

The main advantage of the Engineer is that it has the obvious 3 man squad, allowing you to overcome the pitiful 2 man Pioneers if you charge. This also aids in the survivability of a squad against Axis snipers therefore allowing you to rush one and kill him if lucky as well as providing a greater chance of preserving the upgrades (be it flamethrower or mine sweeper) of that squad.

by BroVVn:

General Tip #38 - Medic Bunkers [01/22/2007]

In 1vs1 games you rarley see medic bunkers being used, this is problably because people tend to overlook their usefulness. As long as you get casaulties (not deaths) from fighting, the medics will run over there, picking up the injured carrying them back to the bunker. Once they've gathered enough injured you will get a new squad. Axis spawns a grenadier unit. Allies spawns a riflemen unit.
build the bunker close to the fighting, this way you will get your new unit deployed in the middle of the battle. If you also combine this with Axis defensive doctrine you can reinforce any casualties sustained if you move your squad close to the bunker, much like a forward barracks.
Just build your bunker in cover to make sure it doesent take to many hits from the enemy player.
you could also garrison a MG42 in the Axis bunker to make it an Mg nest that spawns troops.

By: Status Quo

General Tip #39 - Evading with Sniper [02/05/2007]

If you see an enemy engineer or pioneer squad rushing at your sniper-don't retreat! Instead shoot down one of the squad and then unactivate camouflage and run back. The sniper will be able to move back at either the same or greater speed than the enemy engineer squad, so you won't be taking much damage from their SMGs. Just be sure that you stay away from close combat with the enemy squad and you'll be fine. Once their squad gives up the chase-have your sniper shoot them in the back. This tip works best against Engineers and Pioneers because their weapons are only good at close range combat and they have a low number of squad members-don't try and use it against riflemen!

By General Grant

General Tip #40 - Tanks [02/12/2007]

Knowing all the best things to do when using a tank can save many of them.

  • Make the tank face threats. The front of every vehicle is the strongest spot. Sometimes shells will even bounce off the tiger's front armour. Sometimes facing all your tanks at once won't work because they are being attacked from more than one direction. In this case, command them individually or try moving them back a bit. This should reduce the amount of directions your tanks are being attacked from. If you're still being attacked from a lot of directions, make your tanks face the center vector of the attacks. You will force a lot of the attacks to hit the front of the vehicle instead of the side.

  • Use the tanks' reload times. I'm pretty sure this has been said before but: Every tank has a long reload time (Except for the Flakpanzer of course.) You can use this time to move your tank into a place where it can deal more damage to the enemy tanks. Make sure you tell your tank to face the enemy after you move it. If the enemy hasn't noticed, they won't turn their tanks toward you until you've done a lot of damage. Halt your vehicle just before it shoots then move again. The next time they reload, try moving to the back of the tanks (If they haven't already turned.) Do not try to go to the back on the first move.

  • DO NOT BUNCH UP. If you bunch up your tanks, they are extremely vulnerable to artillery and other explosive attacks. If you have to, move your tanks individually. It will save you a lot of fuel.

  • Retreating. Your tanks are low on health and you want to get them out of the battle. DO NOT turn them around. Individually tell them to drive backwards away from the enemy. Much less damage will be done to them because the front of the tank is being hit. This can save a lot of tanks. It is also a good idea to get your mortar to fire smoke between the enemy and your tanks.

  • Flanking. If you're having a tanks vs tanks battle with your enemy, and you're sending in another group of tanks, DO NOT send the tanks to the same place your other tanks are. Send them to the opposite side of the tanks. You will do much more damage to the enemy, and they won't be able to "Face You" because you have tanks on both sides. If there is any AT, tell the new group of tanks to kill it first.

  • Get close. If you don't have any time of weapon to "launch" on the enemy tanks in battle, but they do, make sure you get your tanks as close as possible to the enemy without allowing them to get behind you. They are much less likely to attack you with artillery. If they do, the artillery will probably be farther away from you than usual, because they don't want to damage themselves at all.

By EarthHunter

General Tip #41 - Cover [02/18/2007]

Cover has many uses and is not simply something you stick your troops into when in a battle. If you know you have lost a skirmish and all you have left to do is retreat your squad, you may want to manuever them a few steps left or right so that their direct line to your HQ contains some cover. Retreating units already have a huge armor bonus, and when this is added to medium and high cover, the unit is almost invincible. This can prevent you from losing your squads while retreating. Also, if your unit is on a road (like the one in the middle of Angoville) try to avoid retreating them on the road because they will have negative cover - meaning their retreat armor bonus is severly decreased.

Also, if you are charging another unit with your own, I. E. riflemen charge unupgraded volks, or mp40'd volks charge riflemen, etc, instead of simply beelining towards them over open ground, check to see if there is a line of bushes or a wall that you can run through to get to them. This way you decrease the odds of you losing too many men before you reach an advantageous distance from your enemy. If you have to charge an enemy across a road, try to stay on the sides of the road, most of the roads have ditches which are yellow or medium cover.

Finally, cover can really buff otherwise weak units and give them a decisive advantage over the enemy. I'm not just talking about sticking regular infantry in there, stick some pioneers in a bush with your mg and riflemen that try to flank and then run up close may find the nasty suprise of 4 mp40's firing back. Also, when you are defending a postion, you can have your troops in your selected cover, and then use your tanks to run over bushes, walls, fences, etc, so that when the enemy does attack, he'll realize that there is no cover except yours!

All in all, remember that cover is a major part of Company of Heroes and that it has equal significance in the early, middle, and late game. Remember that nearly everything in this game is cover - for example, sneak your infantry behind their lines, kill the AT guns and then use the unmanned AT gun as green or high cover!

By Lewclan.

General Tip #42 - Roadways [03/12/2007]

Roadways are a terrain feature that is present in all 3 of the 1v1 maps. When vehicles traverse the map on a road they get a very significant speed bonus that makes traveling to a destination much less difficult.

Though not confirmed I would say the speed bonus is about 1.5x their normal speed, making it worthwhile if you can.

One of the dangers of road travel however is that your opponent may place mines on the roads, rendering it dangerous to travel on. A Mine Flail or a squad of Engineers with Minesweepers can make this a little less dangerous, and cost your opponent munitions while giving you a slight peace of mind.

For the Axis, there are a couple benefits as well, mainly for StuGs. StuGs not only move faster on a road but they also TURN faster, making them able to keep up and shoot at circling Shermans, which is very handy in a tank battle. The same mine danger is present however, and you should be especially weary if you see M8s running around the battlefield.

Here are some tactical map shots with the roadways marked with a red line:




So as you can see they are placed in very tactically viable positions on the map that are good for quick escapes or a speed boost in combat for any vehicle from jeeps and bikes to Pershings and Tigers.

By Kleatus

The Road Bonus

Not only does the road impart a speed bonus to vehicles that travel down it, but it also imparts a "Turning Speed Bonus" to a StuG parked on it. (or any other tracked vehicle)

A StuG on a road can keep up with a tank attempting to circle-strafe it and thus defend itself.

By JohnHardtack

General Tip #43 - Rally points from buildings [03/19/2007]

This is a helpful feature from all buildings, you have the ability to send units where ever you want them as soon as they are built. Select the building and simply right click where you want them to go. You can set rally point to other units on the field so that any new unit will automatically go to where that unit is. Helpful with engineers to repair units. You can also set rally points to buildings that can be garrisoned and your units will automatically enter them and set up to attack when they arrive. Just be careful with this option and make sure no enemies beat you into the building you want to occupy.

This is important throughout the game, always use this to start your troops moving in an appropriate direction instead of standing around in your base! Further, you can set the rally point from your HQ unto your first building and the first Engy/Pio who pops out will automatically start to help build!

By hillhome

General Tip #44 - Using Shift+Click [03/26/2007]

Shift + Click is a method you can use to queue up orders for your units. This can be used in many different areas of the game and I list some ways of what this can be used for below.

So say you are on Beaux Lowlands in the Allied normal starting position. You want your 2nd engineer in this game to go cap the strat point left of your base, the munitions in the lower left corner, and the fuel point right above that. Instead of trying to time your clicks so that you get back to the unit right when a point is capped do the following:

Click on your unit. Press down the shift key and hold it in. Click on the 3 points you want to capture with that unit (you can even do it from the tactical map!). Once all 3 are clicked let of the shift key and click off of that unit. It will then go about its ordered task to cap those points for you! This can also be used with the tactical map for even faster early capping order speed.

Further, you can use the same thing, holding down shift and issuing orders to lay multiple different sections of wire, sandbags, mines or a mix of all three things! What will end up happening is that once you lay down a section you will need to right click, this will instantly bring up a new section attached to the one you just ordered to go in. Simply right click again to get out of that and move your mouse to what you want to wire/bag/mine next. Click or use the hotkeys for whichever wire/bag/mines you were working on building and put the next section where you want it to go. As soon as your unit is done with the first sections of wire/bag/mines it will move automatically to the next one until it dies or runs out of queued orders.

Plus you can use this with your units to deliberately tell them where to go, say for instance you want to down by the river on the upper left side of Beaux to flank your enemy. This method allows you to do that instead of having those units charge towards the shallows like the normal pathing would tell them to do.

Last, but not least, you can use this to help your tanks reverse and hide behind buildings. It is much easier to reverse and curve your reverse by using Shift + Click. Now go practice and learn new ways to use this method soldier!

By hillhome

To queue wire or mines, you have to know a little trick. Here is the key sequence to wire 2 seperate sections:

Say your first pio is busy building Wehrmacht Quarters in the South on Semois, and you want him to go wire the northwest pin, stopping your opponent from getting at that House and that hi-Ammo. While building, do this:

1.Select the Pios
2.Click or use hotkey to "build defensive"
3.Click or use hotkey on "build wire"
4.HOLD SHIFT and left-click the hedges to start the wire
5.KEEP HOLDING SHIFT & left-click to finish the wire
6.RIGHT-CLICK anywhere (this is the trick, this stops you from continuing to wire)
6a. <insert> It's a good idea to now HOLD SHIFT & RIGHT CLICK them towards the next destination (this prevents them from funny pathing bugs and you can make sure you wind up on the correct side of the wire after you build it)
7.Click or use hotkey to "build defensive" again
8.Click "build wire"
9.HOLD DOWN SHIFT & left-click to start the next wire location by the road
10.KEEP HOLDING SHIFT & drag the wire into the little lake, left-click to finish the wire
11.RIGHT-CLICK to break the wiring pattern
12.Now HOLD SHIFT & right-click to go cap the +16 ammo that you just secured!

If you want to wire a box, you can just keep shift-left-clicking and draw the four points of the box. When you want to stop wiring and go on to something else, just right click anywhere.

Same is true for mines. Building single mines in different locations is far more effective than stringing a line of mines (which all blow up at once and usually only do 1 mine's worth of damage).

1.Select the Pios
2.Click or use hotkey to "build defensive"
3.Click "build mines"
4.Left-click a location to start
5.Spin them to the perfect spot and left-click again to finish the mines
6.HOLD SHIFT & right-click them to move to the next mining spot
7.Click "build defensive"
8.Click "build mines"
9.HOLD SHIFT & left-click to place the mine
10.KEEP HOLDING SHIFT & left-click again to finish the mine
11.Right-click anywhere to stop stringing mines
12.HOLD SHIFT & right-click your Pios to some cover near by (never hang around your mines or you may get blown up by them)

note: whether or not you hold shift while clicking "build defensive" and "build mines" is unimportant

By AmiPolizeiFunk

General Tip #45 - Tabbing Units [04/02/2007]

General Tip #46 - Camo-Counters [04/09/2007]

General Tip #47 - Countering Barbed Wire [04/16/2007]

General Tip #48 - Control Sectors [04/30/07]

General Tip #49 - Unit/Resource Management [05/06/07]

General Tip #50 - Selective Exiting [05/14/07]

General Tip #51 - MG/Sniper Counter [28/05/07]

General Tip #52 - The Dead Have Eyes [04/06/2007]

General Tip #53 - Targetting in Large Scale Engagements [6/10/07]

General Tip #54 - Overextending [7/02/07]

General Tip #55 - Anti-spam [7/16/07]

General Tip #56 - Early Game Tips [7/30/07]

General Tip #57 - Advanced Mine Tactics [12/8/07]

General Tip #58 - Pursuing and retreating [30/8/07]


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