CoH WorldBuilder Guide Japan

Cover Explained



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Cover Explained

Details on "Cover"

There are three types of cover in Company of Heroes:

  • Directional
  • Non-Directional
  • Shot-Blocking

Directional cover provides cover bonuses to units which are being shot at through the object. Short walls are an excellent example of this; if a Ranger is on one side of the wall shooting at a Grenadier on the other side, the Grenadier will be in cover. If however, both are on the same side of the wall, there will be no cover bonus to either.


Non-Directional cover provides cover bonuses to units no-matter where they are, as long as they are within range of the object/splat which is generating the cover. Craters and small objects are a good example. If a squad is inside a crater, they are in cover no-matter where they are being shot at from.


Shot-Blocking is not so much a cover type as it is a way of ensuring units are not hit at all. Thick Hedgerows, tall stone walls, buildings and large objects are examples of shot-blocking objects. As long as units are behind these, they will not be fired upon by units on the other side of the object. Keep in mind, however that battlefields in CoH are dynamic, and that object could easily be destroyed. More information on Shot blocking can be read in the tips section of the HeightMap Editor article.


From Relic Community Wiki


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