

Discipline Droppers
Name: Trethellar Plague Spawner
Microzone: Ruins of Garstave
Aerynth: Theros Plain - 75813, 70957
Aerynth: Plains of Tirilius - 42021, 71469
Dalgoth: Kenaryn's Range - 56101, 59693
Dalgoth: Aegol's Run - 59685, 37165
Vorringia: Derros Plains - 85541, 64557
Name: Trethellar Plague Spawner
Microzone: Fell Mehirs
Aerynth: Cursed Woods - 31700, 76178
Aerynth: Dreadwood - 58836, 70290
Aerynth: Tyrranth Minor - 39706, 26130
Aerynth: Forest Incunnu - 15316, 13202
Dalgoth: Vannevaar Forest - 62676, 38802
Dalgoth: Shadowed Wood - 28628, 73106
Vorringia: Holloch Forest - 60900, 48000
Vorringia_(modified): Holloch Forest - same
Name: Trethellar Plague Spawner
Microzone: Evil Ruins
Dalgoth: Veshtai Bog - 82086, 48031
Vorringia: Thollok Marsh - 57254, 34975  


Disciplines Trainers
Name: Ithrindor the Beckoner, Master Summoner
Race: Elf
Microzone: Outpost of Ereg-Nal-Khost
Aerynth: Barrowlands - 65255, 65829
Dalgoth: Harrowvale - 74215, 54821
Vorringia: Grimscairne - 43239, 46885
Name: Kolvas the Wise, Master Summoner
Race: Aelfborn
Microzone: Forest Sanctuary
Aerynth: Essenng Wilds - 35796, 67474
Aerynth: Wilds of Harquen - 51412, 69010
Aerynth: Haroun Wildlands - 39124, 29842
Dalgoth: Wilds of Arvennus - 72148, 75154
Dalgoth: Emmeron Wilds - 29908, 62610
Vorringia: Valkos Wilds - 43476, 41106
Name: Hendurial Vendruin, Master Summoner
Race: Elf
Microzone: Council of Mages
Aerynth: Cursed Woods - 32033, 74754
Aerynth: Dreadwood - 59169, 68866
Aerynth: Forest Incounnu - 15649, 11778
Dalgoth: Vannevaar Forest - 63009, 37378
Dalgoth: Shadowed Wood - 28961, 71682
Vorringia: Holloch Forest - 61217, 46594
Name: Turion, Master Summoner
Race: Elf
Microzone: City of Eglan Nanvirond
Aerynth: Aeran Belendor - 56867, 61675
Dalgoth: Aeran Belendor - 64566, 33532
Vorringia: Aeran Belendor - 65334, 51964
Vorringia - Braialla: Aeran Belendor - 85673, 63712


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最終更新:2007年06月02日 17:43