James Densmore: "Typewriting and Telegraphy",(September 1886),

James Densmore: "Typewriting and Telegraphy",(September 1886),」 から 次の単語がハイライトされています :

James Densmore: "Typewriting and Telegraphy", The Phonographic World, Vol.2, No.1 (September 1886), pp.6-7


Mr. E. Payson Porter, who Gen. Anson Stager once said was the finest, quickest, and most accurate reader from the telegraph sounder of any operator he ever knew, carried on a telegraphic college from 1868 and before, up to 1872, and perhaps after. Like myself, he became enamored of the typewriter, when he first learned of the conception of the idea, and before the machine was born. He bought and paid the expense of making several of the first crude attempts at machines and gave us his cordial an enthusiastic sympathy and help in all ways. In the autumn of 1872, we got up for him one of our then latest experimental machines, and as soon as it was done, I set for him to come over to Milwaukee and examine it. He came, and, as was his custom, he was exuberent in the overflow of his appreciation and gratification at the progress made.
"Now, Porter," said I, "if you will take that machine into Gen. Stager's office and get him and the Western Union folks to say it is a success, I will make you a present of the best typewriter that money can hire made, when we get into regular manufacture."
"I'll win that machine, as sure as you live," was his instantaneous reply.
He took the experimental machine home with him. He practised with it some two or three weeks or more, to become entirely familiar with the key-board. (It is proper to observe here that in getting up our experimental machines of which we made nearer fifty than half that number, we never made two alike, and never put the same key-board on two successive experiments. Hence, every time he got a new one, he had to learn a new key-board).
After he had practised till he felt sure of his familiarity with the new key-board, he went into Gen. Stager's office one day and said he wanted to bring over the typewriter, and have the general examine and test its merit.
"Very well, " said the general, "bring it over at once."

次に、Smith 熟練電信送信者


He sat in a big arm-chair before a small table, on which were nothing but the type-writer and a telegraph sounder. He was `receiving' press dispatches. He seemed to have very little to do. He seemed to write very slowly; and yet he told us that the `sender' from whom he was `receiving' was an excellent, first-class operator. He would first write several lines with one had, and then write as many more with the other hand. It was perfectly easy for him to `receive' with one hand, and even at that, to the onlooker, the work seemed slow.
The chair he sat in, happened to be quite a high-backed one, and at one moment he leaned back with his head resting on the chair-back, with one hand and arm hanging carelessly down beside the chair, while he was writing with the other hand, and exclaimed:"Boys, if I had a pillow now, under my head, this would be luxurious and all right!" - the operating hand, all the while, constantly at work, though seemingly slowly.
Porter followed that employment after that, for half a year or more, and demonstrated perfectly the unqualified practicability of receiving from the telegraph instrument with the typewriter, and that demonstration was of much advantage to me and the enterprise.
彼は大きい腕椅子に小さいテーブルの前に座っていました。それはタイプ作家と電信音響器を除いた何もではありませんでした。 彼は『受領』プレス特報でした。 彼は、非常にほとんどする必要がないようでした。 彼は非常にゆっくり書くようでした; それなのに、彼は、私達に、彼が『受領』であった『送信側』が、優秀で、最高級のオペレータであると言いました。 彼は最初、一方によっていくつかのラインを書き 持っていた 、それから、他の手を持つ多くのより多くとして書きます。 それは、1つの手を持つ『受け取ってください』のために彼に完全に容易で、それでさえ、見物人に、仕事は遅いようでした。
まったく高くバックするように起こること それ 、およびある瞬間 彼 彼の頭が椅子後ろに載り、後ろに傾いた に、彼が、椅子のそばに下に不注意にぶら下がっている1つの手とアームで中に座らせた椅子、彼が他の手で書き、声をあげた間:「もし現在私が枕を持っているならば、少年は、私の頭、これの下で贅沢で、大丈夫です!」。 - 常にの操作手〈その間中の〉 仕事 けれども 一見したところ ゆっくり 。
ポーターはついて行きました that 半年以上、およびタイプライタ、およびそのデモンストレーションによって電信機器から受け取ることの無資格の実行可能性が私と企業に多くの有利さで完全に示されたことのためのそれの後への雇用 。


An average operator with a sounder and key could send and receive at 25 to 30 words per minute (wpm, a word is 5 or 5-1/2 characters). A "plug" could probably handle 10-15 wpm.
電信パンチテープだと25WPM? タイプライターだと40WPMだっけか。とかあった。「[[With these later keyboards a touch typist could keep up an average of 40 words a minute, against 25 words a minute for a good punch operator. 」




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