
RHEL5/XDMCP」(2009/01/22 (木) 17:38:25) の最新版変更点



&topicpath() **XDMCPでXmingで接続可能にする WindowsのXサーバソフトXmingからRHEL5に接続するための設定例。 #CentOS5でも同じ設定方法で動作確認済み。 1./etc/gdm/custum.confを下記のように変更する。 # GDM Configuration Customization file. # # This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the # GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this # file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to # automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration # options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be # necessary to modify this file directly by hand. # # Older versions of GDM used the "gdm.conf" file for configuration. If your # system has an old gdm.conf file on the system, it will be used instead of # this file - so changes made to this file will not take effect. Consider # migrating your configuration to this file and removing the gdm.conf file. # # To hand-edit this file, simply add or modify the key=value combination in # the appropriate section in the template below. Refer to the comments in the # /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf file for information about each option. Also # refer to the reference documentation. # # If you hand edit a GDM configuration file, you should run the following # command to get the GDM daemon to notice the change. Any running GDM GUI # programs will also be notified to update with the new configuration. # # gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>" # # e.g, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be "debug/Enable". # # You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and # re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending # a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes # any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like # gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM. # # For full reference documentation see the gnome help browser under # GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on # http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/ # # NOTE: Lines that begin with "#" are considered comments. # # Have fun! [daemon] [security] AllowRemoteRoot=true DisallowTCP=false [xdmcp] Enable=true [gui] [greeter] BackgroundType=1 Logo=/usr/share/pixmaps/gdm-foot-logo.png [chooser] [debug] # Note that to disable servers defined in the defaults.conf file (such as # 0=Standard, you must put a line in this file that says 0=inactive, as # described in the Configuration section of the GDM documentation. # [servers] # Also note, that if you redefine a [server-foo] section, then GDM will # use the definition in this file, not the defaults.conf file. It is # currently not possible to disable a [server-foo] section defined # in the defaults.conf file. # 2./etc/X11/fs/config を下記のように変更する。 # # xfs font server configuration file # # allow a max of 10 clients to connect to this font server client-limit = 10 # when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one clone-self = on # alternate font servers for clients to use #alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102 # where to look for fonts catalogue = /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1, /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF, /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1, , /usr/share/fonts/japanese/misc:unscaled, /usr/share/fonts/japanese/misc, /usr/share/fonts/japanese/TrueType # in 12 points, decipoints default-point-size = 120 # 75 x 75 and 100 x 100 default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100 # use lazy loading on 16 bit fonts deferglyphs = 16 # Log errors via syslog. use-syslog = on # For security, don't listen to TCP ports by default. #no-listen = tcp; 3.再起動してWindowsのXmingのXLaunchから接続する。 参考URL http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/ ---- 閲覧数:&counter() 更新日:&update() ---- &bookmark_hatena() &bookmark_delicious() &bookmark_livedoor() &bookmark_yahoo() &bookmark_nifty() &bookmark_technorati() &bookmark_buzzurl() &bookmark_pookmark() &bookmark_live() ---- &link_trackback(text=トラックバック元一覧:表示する) リンク元一覧: #ref_list() ---- @めもてっく is licensed under a [[Creative Commons 表示 2.1 日本 License.>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/]] ---- 以下は利用させて頂いております@wikiが自動生成する広告になります。
&topicpath() **XDMCPでXmingで接続可能にする WindowsのXサーバソフトXmingからRHEL5に接続するための設定例。 #CentOS5でも同じ設定方法で動作確認済み。 1./etc/gdm/custum.confを下記のように変更する。 # GDM Configuration Customization file. # # This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the # GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this # file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to # automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration # options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be # necessary to modify this file directly by hand. # # Older versions of GDM used the "gdm.conf" file for configuration. If your # system has an old gdm.conf file on the system, it will be used instead of # this file - so changes made to this file will not take effect. Consider # migrating your configuration to this file and removing the gdm.conf file. # # To hand-edit this file, simply add or modify the key=value combination in # the appropriate section in the template below. Refer to the comments in the # /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf file for information about each option. Also # refer to the reference documentation. # # If you hand edit a GDM configuration file, you should run the following # command to get the GDM daemon to notice the change. Any running GDM GUI # programs will also be notified to update with the new configuration. # # gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>" # # e.g, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be "debug/Enable". # # You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and # re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending # a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes # any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like # gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM. # # For full reference documentation see the gnome help browser under # GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on # http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/ # # NOTE: Lines that begin with "#" are considered comments. # # Have fun! [daemon] [security] AllowRemoteRoot=true DisallowTCP=false [xdmcp] Enable=true [gui] [greeter] BackgroundType=1 Logo=/usr/share/pixmaps/gdm-foot-logo.png [chooser] [debug] # Note that to disable servers defined in the defaults.conf file (such as # 0=Standard, you must put a line in this file that says 0=inactive, as # described in the Configuration section of the GDM documentation. # [servers] # Also note, that if you redefine a [server-foo] section, then GDM will # use the definition in this file, not the defaults.conf file. It is # currently not possible to disable a [server-foo] section defined # in the defaults.conf file. # 2./etc/X11/fs/config を下記のように変更する。 # # xfs font server configuration file # # allow a max of 10 clients to connect to this font server client-limit = 10 # when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one clone-self = on # alternate font servers for clients to use #alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102 # where to look for fonts catalogue = /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled, /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1, /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF, /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1, , /usr/share/fonts/japanese/misc:unscaled, /usr/share/fonts/japanese/misc, /usr/share/fonts/japanese/TrueType # in 12 points, decipoints default-point-size = 120 # 75 x 75 and 100 x 100 default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100 # use lazy loading on 16 bit fonts deferglyphs = 16 # Log errors via syslog. use-syslog = on # For security, don't listen to TCP ports by default. #no-listen = tcp; 3.再起動してWindowsのXmingのXLaunchから接続する。 参考URL http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/ ---- 閲覧数:&counter() 更新日:&update() ---- &bookmark_hatena() &bookmark_delicious() &bookmark_livedoor() &bookmark_yahoo() &bookmark_nifty() &bookmark_technorati() &bookmark_buzzurl() &bookmark_pookmark() &bookmark_live() ---- &link_trackback(text=トラックバック元一覧:表示する) リンク元一覧: #ref_list() ---- @めもてっく is licensed under a [[Creative Commons 表示 2.1 日本 License.>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/]]

