Guru Mods!!!!  別館色々置き場




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5 Sounds
Any of the following sounds can be replaced per skin or per client. The list is definitely subject to change.

To replace a sound, add a wave file with the sound name in the sounds subdirectory.

%EQ2%/UI/Default/Sounds  to replace the sound for all skins on the client
%EQ2%/UI/<skinname>/Sounds  to replace the sounds for a particular skin

Name Description
Broadcast Used for SOE broadcast messages
Buy_failed Unable to purchase item
Click UI click 2
coin_cha_ching Purchased item
ding DING!!!
encounter_broken Broken encounter
frontend_pressed UI click 1
inventory_attune Attune item
inventory_cant_equip Unable to equip item
inventory_destroy_item Destroy item
inventory_equip Equip item
inventory_un_equip Unequip item
loot_failed Unable to loot item
moveable_object_place_failed Unable to place item (ie, house items)
place_item Successful item placement (ie, house items)
quest_item Quest item found
skill_up Skill increase
spell_gained New spell learned
too_far Too far away from target
trade_accept Trade accept
trade_propose Trade offer
ui_chestdrop Chest drop from NPC on death
ui_friend_logoff Friend logoff alert
ui_friend_logon Friend logon alert
ui_guild_lvl_up Guild DING
ui_invite Invite to group alert
ui_joined Joined group alert
ui_pressed UI click 1
ui_spirit_lvl_up Tradeskill pristine item creation
ui_tell_receive Incoming tell
ui_tell_send Outgoing tell
ui_tradeskills_lvl_up Tradeskill DING
war_drum Slayer update
waypoint_activated Waypoint alert
