CoH WorldBuilder Guide Japan

Object Edit States



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Object Edit States オブジェクト状態編集

The Other Edit States:

Object Edit States

To apply the Object Edit State, switch to the Object Placement Editor and select an object from the map. Press the Edit State button, in the current menu and add one of the edit state options.
オブジェクト状態編集を適用するために、Object Placement Editorに変わって、地図からオブジェクトを選んでください。'Edit State'ボタンを押してください、現在のメニューと追加において、編集のうちの1つはオプションを述べます。

The Edit States for objects vary quite a bit depending on the object. The possible edit states for objects are:

  • SetHealth 健康の設定
  • DCA Variable: burn_state DCA 変数:火災状態
  • DCA Variable: tint DCA 変数:色合い
  • DCA State: capping DCA 状態:かぶせる

SetHealth  健康の設定

The set health state lowers the health of an object until it is destroyed. Most objects only have one damage state, but some objects have multiple damage states. This allows for some nice variety with objects.

From the SetHealth sub-tree select the percentage scroll box. Type in a number or use the scroll tabs.

1.000 represents full health.  完全な健康を意味します。
0.000 represents final destroyed state.  最終的な破壊された状態を意味します。
Press the Apply button to apply the SetHealth settings to the object.

Lower the health in increments of 0.200 to see the different damage states. The best way to discover the number of damage states on an object is to experiment.

For objects with physics hook ups, do not set the damage completely to zero. The reason for this is that the physics will not affect those objects until they are visible in the game. This will make it appear that some objects are collapsing for no reason.

It is sometimes better to use a splat rather than a completely destroyed object, without any debris. Splats are a lot cheaper than objects.

Some objects that are not walls have a wall destroy option. This is a bug and should not be used. It causes these objects to respond similar to Vis objects.

DCA Variable: burn_state DCA 変数:火災状態

The Burn State produces an adjustable burned look to the object. This state is only for nature objects. The burn state is controlled with its Value Scroll box.
火災状態は、オブジェクトに可調燃された外観を生じます。このオブジェクトは、自然物に賛成であるだけです。火災状態は、そのValue Scrollボックスで支配されます。

From the Burn State sub-tree select the Value scroll box. Type in a number or use the scroll tabs.
'Burn State'サブツリーから、Valueスクロールボックスを選んでください。番号を入力するか、スクロールタブを使ってください。

0.000 represents an unburned state.  未火災状態を意味します。
1.000 represents a completely burned state. 完全に燃やされた状態を意味します。
Press the Apply button to apply the Burn settings to the object

It looks better if the objects are only a little burned. Completely burning an object can make it unrecognizable.

Objects like bushes and hedgerows should not be completely burned. They end up looking like scrub plants, but retain their original properties. This can be confusing because the hedgerows are heavy crush objects and the scrubs are not. Scrubs are also cheaper on memory than Hedgerows and bushes.

DCA Variable: tint  DCA 変数:色合い

The Tint state tints the colour of the object. This state is only for nature objects. The Tint State is controlled with its Value Scroll box
'Tint state' は、オブジェクトの色に色をつけます。この状態は、自然物に賛成であるだけです。'Tint State'は、そのValue Scrollボックスでコントロールされます

From the Tint State sub-tree select the Value scroll box. Type in a number or use the scroll tabs.
'Tint State'サブツリーから、Valueスクロールボックスを選んでください。番号を入力するか、スクロールタブを使ってください。

0.000 represents one end of the colour spectrum.  色スペクトルの一端を意味します。
1.000 represents the other end of the colour spectrum.  色スペクトルの反対側を意味します。
Press the Apply button to apply the Tint settings to the object.

DCA State: capping  DCA 状態:かぶせる

There are a few objects that use capping to add variation. From the DCA State: capping sub-tree select one of the variations from the State dropdown box.

Wall object can be placed as objects and their damage states respond the same as in wall mode. There are a few instances where this is useful.

To the Other Edit States?

Return to the Edit States? page.

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