Dead Rising 2 @2ch Wiki



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  • Americana Casino
A101 Bennie Jack's BBQ Shack Restaurant
A102 Shots & Awe Nightclub
A103 The American Historium Souvenir

  • Atlantica Casino
T101 Sipparellos Nightclub

  • Food Court
F101 Wild West Grill House Restaurant
F102 Cucina Donnacci Restaurant
F103 Cheesecake Mania Restaurant
F104 Lombardi's Restaurant
F105 Hamburger Fiefdom Restaurant
F106 Rojo Diablo Mexican Restaurant Restaurant
F107 Hungry Joe's Pizzeria Restaurant
F108 Speedy Expresso Restaurant

  • Fortune City Arena
E101 Terror Togs Unknown
E102 Hostile Zone Unknown

  • Palisades Mall
    • 1F
P101 Finders Peepers Glasses
P102 FairMoans Women's clothing
P103 Ultimate Playhouse Souvenir
P104 Flexin' Gym
P105 Beach Body Swim House Hat
P106 Wallington's Men's Clothing
P107 Shank'sE Sport
P108 Bagged! Jewelry
P109 The Venus Touch Women's clothing
P110 KokoNutz Sports Town Sport
P111 Chocolate Confession Restaurant
P112 For Your Leisure Hat
P113 Trendy Cindy Women's clothing
P114 Entertainment Isle Music
    • 2F
P201 Kicks for Her Women's clothing
P202 Que's Hats Hat
P203 Brand New U Women's clothing
P204 Ned's Knicknackery Souvenir
P205 Space Hat
P206 Stan's Large Print Books and Magazines Magazines
P207 Under the Sea Travels Travel store
P208 Army Surplus Gift Store Souvenir
P209 Kid's Choice Clothing Children's clothing
P210 The Cleroux Collection Souvenir
P211 Leigh's Fine Liquor Nightclub
P212 Sever Ties Unknown
P213 Robsaka Digital Digital
P215 Everything Diamond Jewelry
P216 Chris' Fine Foods Restaurant
P217 Robsaka Mobile Digital
P218 High-Noon Shooting Range Sport

  • Platinum Strip
S101 TIR Souvenir Kiosk Souvenir
S102 Cash Gordon's Casino Casino
S103 Juggz Bar & Grill Nightclub
S104 Paradise Platinum Screens Entertainment
S105 Moe's Maginations Magazines
S106 Dining at Davey's Restaurant
S107 From Fortune With Love Souvenir
S108 TIR Souvenir Kiosk (2) Souvenir

  • Silver Strip
N101 Swept Away Unknown
N102 One Little Duck Bingo Casino
N103 Tinkerbox Children's clothing
N104 Barrel of Goods Souvenir
N105 Luaii Wauwii Restaurant
N106 Shamrock Casino Casino
N107 Pub O' Gold Nightclub
N108 Rockets Red Glare Souvenir
N109 Peep Hole Casino
N110 Hot Excitorama Hat

  • Royal Flush Plaza
    • 1F
R101 Casual Gals (Dead Rising 2) Women's clothing
R102 In the Closet (Dead Rising 2) Men's Clothing
R103 The Man's Sport Sport
R104 The Shoehorn (Dead Rising 2) Shoe
R105 Tunemakers (Dead Rising 2) Music
R106 Wave of Style Women's clothing
R107 Ye Olde Toybox (Dead Rising 2) Souvenir
R108 Marriage Makers (Dead Rising 2) Jewelry
R109 Roy's Mart Convenience
R110 Modern Businessman (Dead Rising 2) Men's Clothing
R111 Stylin' Toddlers Children's clothing
R112 SporTrance (1F) Sport
R113 The Chieftain's Hut Unknown
R114 Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Magazines
R115 Hat Racks Hat
R116 Universe of Optics (Dead Rising 2) Glasses
R117 Three Club Monte Men's Clothing
R118 Astonishing Illusions Souvenir
R119 Sturdy Package Travel store
R120 The Dark Bean (Dead Rising 2) Restaurant
    • 2F
R201 Albert's Apparel Men's Clothing
R202 Wily Travels Travel store
R203 Antoine's Unknown
R204 Estelle's Fine-lady Cosmetics Women's clothing
R205 Just in Time Payday Loans Pawn
R206 Eternal Timepieces Jewelry
R207 Kathy's Space Women's clothing
R208 Earmark Leather Hat
R209 Children's Castle Souvenir
R210 Small Fry Duds Children's clothing
R211 Rush Wireless Digital
R212 Ragazines Magazines
R213 Players Music
R214 SporTrance(2F) Sports

  • Yucatan Casino
Y101 Baron Von Brathaus Restaurant
Y102 Shaol Nightclub Nightclub


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